Hang Seng UnionPay RMB Diamond Commercial Card and Hang Seng Commercial World Mastercard, using Renminbi and Hong Kong Dollar for settlement respectively, bring you dual currency spending advantages to let you pay business expenses with flexibility, wherever you are. What's more, you can also benefi...
https://www.hangsengbank.com/en-hk/business/banking-digitally/find-us-self-service-banking/ Download Autopay Service Key - Account - Your Business Essentials - Business Banking Services - Hang Seng Bank The toll-free hotline can be accessed from mobile lines, fixed telephone lines, payphones ...
请输入您 / 贵公司的恒生银行自动转账户口号码以下载自动转账服务密码匙。 户口号码 : ( 请省却银行编号 ) 本人( 等 ) 已知悉此自动转账服务密码匙必须与恒生银行有限公司 ( 「贵行」 ) 所提供的全套软件 ( 「全套软件」 ) 一起使用。本人 ( 等 ) 已细阅并明白贵行之自动转账服务章则 , 并同意此自动...
恒生商业e-Banking服务申请表格HangSeng.PDF,恒生商業 e-Banking 服務申請表格 Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services Application Form 致 : 恒生銀行有限公司 (「恒生」) To : Hang Seng Bank Limited (the “Bank”) 請用正楷填寫,並在適當方格內加上 “√”。 日期
A convenient and reliable solution automates your regular and recurring payment processes to increase the efficiency of making timely payments for your vendors and employees in Hong Kong Dollars or Renminbi
恒生自动转账服务通过本地结算系统,让贵公司适时支付账款给贵公司的生意伙伴或支付员工薪金。 操作简易 贵公司成功申请自动转账服务后,可利用网上渠道递交自动转账指示。 减除处理现金的风险 由本行定期于贵公司指定日子直接将款项存入收款人的账户。 港元自动转账服务的额外优点: 简化行政工作并减低营运成本 经由邮递或...
The Bank will credit the Cash Dollars that Eligible Customers can earn to their eligible Hang Seng Credit Card Principal Card on or before 31 July 2019. When crediting the Cash Dollars, the Green Banking and/or the University/ College Affinity Credit Card or Hang Seng MPOWER Card of the cus...
(if any) from the cardholder's card account 如退款申請不成立,會安排從持卡人的卡戶口扣回該筆臨時退款 頁次 Page 3/3 持卡人賬項諮詢表格 Cardholder Dispute Form 致 : 恒生銀行賬項諮詢組 To : Chargeback Team, Hang Seng Bank Limited 請填妥表格後,連同附件(如適用)透過以下方式交回恒生銀行: ...
Business Account Monthly Fee Waivers which take into account your Total Relationship Balance3with Hang Seng. Total Relationship BalanceMonthly Fee HKD100,000 equivalent or aboveWaived Below HKD100,000 equivalentHKD200 The Bank reserves the right to suspend, revise or cancel the above Business Account...