guidelines on hand hygiene in health care标准洗手方法 在卫生保健中,手卫生对于防止交叉感染非常重要。根据WHO的《手卫生指南》,以下是标准的洗手方法: 1.用流动水湿润双手,并涂抹适量的洗手液或肥皂。 2.双手互相揉搓至少15秒,注意清洗所有皮肤,包括指背、指尖和指缝。 3.在流动水下彻底冲洗双手,确保洗手液或...
内容提示: WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health CareFirst Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care 文档格式:PDF | 页数:270 | 浏览次数:283 | 上传日期:2019-02-15 04:05:39 | 文档星级: WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health CareFirst Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean ...
This article features a checklist that can be used to comply with Joint Commission hand hygiene standard IC.01.03.01, National Patient Safety Goal 7, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and WHO recommendations.Joint Commission the Source...
"The WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care" provide health-care workers (HCWs), hospital administrators and health authorities with a thorough review of evidence on hand hygiene in health care and specific recommendations to improve practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms ...
WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health CareFirst Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care
for increasing hand hygiene compliance are now recommended as the most reliable, evidence-based method for ensuring sustainable improvement.60,713 WHO has developed and tested a multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy (see Part I, Section 21) to translate into practice the present guidelines. Alt...
The advanced draft of the WHO guidelines may be found at:Â Bibliography: Jarvis WR. Selected aspects of the socioeconomic impact of nosocomial infections: Morbidity, mortality, cost, and prevention.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.1996 Aug...
To ensure the effectiveness of hand hygiene stations, the WHO providesguidelines for their proper installation and maintenance. These recommendations include placing stations at convenient locations with high visibility, ensuring a sufficient supply of soap or sanitizer, and regular cleaning and refilling ...
为宣传手卫生对预防传染病的重要性,世界卫生组织(WHO)将每年的5月5日定为世界手卫生日(World Hand Hygiene Day)。世界手卫生日的设立源于对医院感染的关注。医院感染会延长患者的住院时间,增加治疗成本,严重时还可能导致并发症甚至死亡。研究表明,通过良...
The quiz, based on the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines contains 18 specific healthcare-related situations in which hand hygiene or wearing gloves is recommended. It was presented to a stratified sample of personnel from two LTCFs in January 2011, prior to continuing ...