Half-Life is back and exclusively for VR in this prequel to the events in Half Life: 2. Unlike previous titles in this franchise, you don’t play as Gordon Freeman but as Alyx Vance, a young woman met in the second installment of the series who is part of the resistance against The ...
Half-Life: Alyx Soundtrack $9.99 $9.99 将所有 DLC 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 Valve 携 VR 大作《半衰期:爱莉克斯》重磅回归《半衰期》系列。 这个战斗故事发生在《半衰期》和《半衰期2》之间,是与邪恶的外星种族联合军之间看似毫无胜算的较量。 扮演爱莉克斯·凡斯,人类存活下去的唯一希望。 在黑山基地事件之后...
《半衰期:爱莉克斯》(Half-Life: Alyx)- 性能建议 游戏性能建议 介绍 《半衰期:爱莉克斯》的设计初衷就是要使您的系统发挥其极限性能。 在您首次启动《半衰期:爱莉克斯》(或是您的硬件发生了变化)时,游戏会自动对您的 CPU 和 GPU 进行基准测试,查看可用的系统内存,并尝试选择最合适的图形设置。 话虽如此,总是...
Half-Life: Alyx is one of the prettiest VR games I've ever played. It's breathtaking from the first moment you look out over City 17, see the Citadel on the horizon, and think "Wow, I'm here. I'm in it." And given how good it looks, my time in the City has been surprisingl...
Half-Life Alyx NoVR is really coming together and a fresh update is out now to make the experience even better for those without a VR kit. I will say that it's still one of my favourite experiences ever in gaming with the Valve Index, but given how Half-Life is a much loved series...
游戏简介:作为Alyx Vance,您是人类生存的唯一机会。自从“黑梅萨”事件发生以来,联合收割机对地球的控制权得到加强,因为它们束缚了城市中剩余的人口。其中包括一些地球上最伟大的科学家:您和您的父亲Eli Vance博士。作为刚起步的抵抗者的创建者,您一直在进行秘密的科
Half-Life: Alyx is more than just a game; it's at the forefront of the VR gaming space, and it pushes the medium ahead in the most important ways. A killer story, brilliant dialog, ...
《半条命:爱丽克斯》(Half-Life: Alyx)是一款备受期待的虚拟现实(VR)第一人称射击游戏。如果你对这类VR游戏感兴趣,可以百度搜索:VR游戏时间站(yxsjz.cn),这里有大量的中文汉化VR游戏下载推荐!剧情:《半条命:爱丽克斯》发生在《半条命2》的事件之前,玩家将扮演女主角爱丽克斯·凌卫斯(Alyx Vance),她是...
Half-Life: Alyx has been a long time coming. As a fan of the Half-Life series since 1998, this is a day that I thought would never happen. Half-Life: Alyx ($60 on Steam)adds a new chapter to the franchise, and you’ll want to grab your best VR headset to enjoy it. This time...
在宣布将制作三款完整VR游戏两年零九个月后,Valve Software发布了其迄今为止有关VR游戏最激动人心的公告之一–该公司周一宣布将推出《Half-Life: Alyx》(半条命:爱丽克斯),这是近十年来备受赞誉的《半条命》系列中的第一款新游戏。 除了在推文中公布这一消息,Valve目前没有提供任何其他细节,这似乎是在6月注册的、经...