Installing directly onto the target is the most effective way to attack the security of iPhones. Installation does not require you to perform a jailbreak to access someone's personal data, but it does require that you be able to follow several important on-screen steps. The installation takes ...
[Stefan] also relates a tale of woe with regard to getting the display’s app into the app stores, something that few of us have to deal with when we’re just fiddling around with something on the bench. All in all, [Stefan] does a great job walking us through the trials and ...
It’s more likely that we’ll see hacker cred when someone builds a long-range link that lets you leave your NFC cards at home and take one emulator with you for wireless door access or contactless payments in a single device. If you want to get working on this, check out the talk ...
When trying to ensure the online safety of your children, knowing the methods used to gain unauthorized access to devices can be invaluable. Understanding how hackers operate can give you insights into protecting your family's data better and put protective measures in place. For those reasons, w...
转载: 关于google hack的几个基础过滤器使用[请务必谨记,过滤器虽然是死的,但人是活的,把自己的脑洞放到最大,才能拼装出高质量dorks]: google所支持的一些
surveillance and parents use them to keep track of their children's activities, and more. These apps allow you to access your smartphone from anywhere in the world, meaning that if someone has hacked into your account, they can still see what you're doing even if they aren't physically ...
Neither is it accepting HDMI directly.) In [Ian]’s case, the Raspberry Pi 400 outputs HDMI and he uses a Shadowcast 2 capture card to accept HDMI on one end and output UVC video on the other, which is then fed into the Quest over a USB-C cable. As a concept it’s an ...
Once the user has booted into the live OS, they simply need to point the browser to the loopback address at any time to access the installer’s GUI. Now that alone wouldn’t be particularly groundbreaking. After all, Google has implemented an entire operating system with web frameworks in ...
The pictures look very much like the 3D “extrusions” that show up on Google Maps when you zoom into a satellite view and change the angle, but they were obviously built up from very recent aerial or satellite photos that show the damage to the building. The idea is to map where parts...
Firstly, the driver has to be scanned to sweep a longer range to take into account the bigger film. Secondly, a part of the film carriage has to be replaced so it doesn’t show up in the scanners field of view. The former is achieved by using the sane-genesys scanner software backend...