Changes from Revision * (March 2017) to Revision A (September 2021) Page • Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and cross-references throughout the document...1 • Removed "±15% Accurate Watchdog Timeout and Watchdog Reset Delays Over Temperature"... 1 • Added "Functio...
DotNumerics is a managed numerical library written in C#. The main features of DotNumerics include linear algebra, solving differential equations, and optimization. The functionality is based on optimized FORTRAN code translated into C#. The part for linear algebra includes code based on three librari...
Changes from Revision * (March 2017) to Revision A (September 2021) Page • Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and cross-references throughout the document...1 • Removed "±15% Accurate Watchdog Timeout and Watchdog Reset Delays Over Temperature"... 1 • Added "Functio...
calculating descriptive statistics of data collections such as mean, variance, maximum, and minimum. The methods are implemented in a Statistics class in the MathNet.Numerics.Statistics namespace. They can be called either directly or using the dot-notation on any type that implements IEnumerable<...