geoid.c ionex.c lambda.c options.c pntpos.c postpos.c ppp.c ppp_ar.c preceph.c qzslex.c rcvraw.c rinex.c rtcm.c rtcm2.c rtcm3.c rtcm3e.c rtkcmn.c rtklib.h rtkpos.c rtksvr.c sbas.c solution.c stream.c streamsvr.c ... */ #if HAS_DRIVER(TMC26X) #if AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_X(TMC26X) #define X_MAX_CURRENT 1000 // (mA) #define X_SENSE_RESISTOR 91 // (mOhms) #define X_MICROSTEPS 16 // Number of microsteps #endif #if AXIS_DRIVER_TYPE_X2(TMC26X) #define X...
Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files master .mvn ansible docker docs local-conf release script src main java/com/itranswarp anno bean common enums markdown model oauth redis search service util web ...
“Hard” in this context means high gluon energy and large radiation angle w.r.t. the emitting quark. The algorithm starts with calculating the scaled invariant pair masses ykl for all pairs of particles, and replaces the pair with the smallest value of ykl by a new object with four-momen...
{margin-left:16px;font-size:.6875rem;line-height:16px}.sbox .sb_form #sw_as .sa_as #sa_ul.sa_drw .sa_sg{cursor:pointer}.sbox .sb_form #sw_as .sa_as #sa_ul.sa_drw .sa_sg .sa_tm{margin-left:16px;line-height:36px}.sbox .sb_form #sw_as .sa_as #sa_ul.sa_drw .sa...
}rtksvr_t; //rtkcmn.c extern const double chisqr[100]; gtime_t epoch2time(const double* ep); gtime_t utc2gpst(gtime_t t); gtime_t gpst2utc(gtime_t t); gtime_t gpst2time(int week, double sec); double time2gpst(gtime_t t, int* week); uint32_t getbitu(...
全国华为综合接入设备eSpace IAD132E(T)和eSpace IAD1224 郑州迅时桌面式小型办公场所IP语音接入设备 中兴BX10接入设备 马可会员 广州市海菲网络科技有限公司 身份验证: 注册资本:50万元 企业类型: 公司地区:中国 广东 广州 主营产品:综合布线产品,ODF配线架,尾纤,光纤跳线,配线架 ...
eis elementary charge and ΦBnis the Schottky barrier height at the graphene/h-BN interface. The thermionic emission from Au is determined by the equation\({J}_{Au}={A}_{Au}{T}_{c}^{2}\exp \,[-\frac{e{{\rm{\Phi }}}_{Bn}-{V}_{oc}}{{k}_{B}{T}_{c}}]\), where...
// Move the nozzle to the initial position after cleaning #define NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK // For a purge/clean station that's always at the gantry height (thus no Z move) //#define NOZZLE_CLEAN_NO_Z // For a purge/clean station mounted on the X axis //#define NOZZLE_CLEAN_NO_Y //...
有關焓(H)值計算如下圖所示,溫度(T)分成不同區間,H-T曲線的斜率即為 (1)在固態融化溫度以下, 其中,為固體比熱,為密度 (2)在固態融化溫度時, 其中,為固體比熱,為密度,為固體融化的溫度 (3)在固態融化溫度與液態凝固溫度之間的相變化區, 其中,,為液體比熱,為固體比熱,為密度,為固體融化的溫度,為潛熱(融...