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void rotateArrow(Point touchPoint); void createAndShootArrow( Point touchPoint); void shootArrow(); void finishRunAction(); void update(float dt); CC_SYNTHESIZE(int, playerHp, PlayerHp); // 玩家血量值 CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool, startDraw, StartDraw); // 是否开始画红色的路径线 CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool...
如图所示,通过AimNodeBlendPerBone,将player_run设为源动画序列,player_shoot设为目标动画序列: 然后点击AimNodeBlendPerBone节点,编辑其属性: 我们将player_shoot动画所影响的骨骼开始分支设为Bip01-Spine2,即第二节脊椎骨骼,这样上半身完全受射箭动作控制,下半身受跑步动作控制,就能实现跑步同时射箭的需求。同理,游戏...
2.3.2 作物样品的处理及测定 收获时小心将植株整株取出,尽量去除附着在根系上的土壤,依次用0.2%HCl溶液、自来水和去离子水洗净后,适当滤干水分,分别记录株高(shootheight)、根长、地上部生物量和根生物量。 2.3.3 统计分析 统一以耐性指数表示镉毒害下的各生物性状指标,使各个指标之间具有可比性,计算方法如下:...
Fran: ②First, one of the younger 3)bunch will shoot their mouths off, which then gets the older bunch’s backs up… Leila: …and then because their backs are up, ③the younger bunch gets their shorts in a knot, and so on and so on and so on until no one’s actually doing anyt...
体育新闻中常用的句型主要包括一下几种情况:(1)报道性文章的标题常出现省略句, 如 One for the Liverpool简单的四个单词却把意思表达得清楚明白。(2)体育评论性文章标题常使用祈使句, 吸引读者的注意, 引发读者对某一体育事件的思考。如:Go awards or go home 获奖或是回家,特指比赛到了决定命运的时刻。(3)...
last home.The mountain of Pu Tuo has the in the past sculpture carvings more than 100 pieces and famously have Tang Yan Zhen the Qing handwriting placard book"free and unfettered building", Sung Li Yan Bi 《Xiang south the building record 》 and"the turtle snake unites as one" ectype ...
As links for one star to appproach her love. They help “Lassie” to cross the Milky Way, To see her “ Laddie” once a year, this day. Their love is like heavenly dew for gods to drink. To the human level,it would never sink. ...