投稿链接中要求提交reporting guidelines checklist,下载的文件里没有要填写信息的地方,这是要直接上传源...
ARRIVE checklist 是动物研究论文的一个模板大纲提要, ARRIVE 的全称是 Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments。 这个表格主要是为了能够方便期刊编辑直接索引每个要点的位置。 什么内容,指引到论文的哪个位置, 格式如下。 作者投稿的时候只要填写最右边的这列,需要填行号,或者页码。图片引用...
投稿的时候要求从http://www.equator-network.org/下载reporting guidelines checklist,但是连接怎么也打不...
Articles Volumes and issues Online first articles Sign up for alerts For authors Pre-submission checklist Submission guidelines How to publish with us Fees and funding Language editing Submit your manuscript Journal updates Journal updates Search...
To improve reproducibility in AI research, we highly encourage authors to voluntarily submit their code as part of supplementary material. Authors should also use theReproducibility Checklistas a guide for writing reproducible papers. Reviewers are encouraged to check the submitted code to ensure that ...
Use our pre-submission checklist Avoid common mistakes on your manuscript. This journal's calls for papers Collections this journal is participating in. Sign up for alerts Get notified when new articles are published. Explore Articles Volumes and issues Collections Search...
SCI投稿 taylor franics ARRIVE guidelines checklist怎么填啊? 这个guidelines checklist怎么填呀?有没有哪位大佬有模板和详解呀?显示全部 关注者1 被浏览61 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 暂时还没有回答,开始写第一个回答...
先进材料AM投稿指南_guidelines Guide for Authors Advanced Materials (www.advmat.de) is an international peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of materials science. Categories of contribution for the journal are Communications, Review Articles, Progress Reports, Research News, Essays, Correspondence...
For production, the figures should be saved separately (for further details, please see the Production Data Checklist under “For Authors”). All production data should include a short (~40 word) summary and figure (preferably color) for the table of contents. There is no charge for color ...
MIQE Guidelines