And so we decided to scale it and notice, but first, let me just tell you how we've scaled over the course of the last eight years. We've increased computation by 1000 times 8 years, 1000 times. Remember back in the good old days of Moore's Law, it was 2x, well, 5x every, w...
And so we decided to scale it and notice, but first, let me just tell you how we've scaled over the course of the last eight years. We've increased computation by 1000 times 8 years, 1000 times. Remember back in the good old days of Moore's Law, it was 2x, well, 5x every, w...
北京时间2024年3月19日凌晨,Nvidia的联合创始人兼CEO黄仁勋发表了一场引人瞩目的演讲。作为图形处理与人工智能计算领域的领军企业,Nvidia的每一次动态都备受关注。黄仁勋的这场演讲不仅回顾了公司的辉煌历程,更展望了未来的技术趋势与行业变革。 在演...
诚然,FPGA因为“现场”可用,相比ASIC,FPGA无需等待三个月至一年的流片周期,上市时间短,对于消费电子这类竞争激烈、迭代迅速的行业尤其重要。但ASIC更符合AI时代这种scale law的大力出奇迹模式,因此在技术非常成熟且利润率非常低的产品是杀手般的存在,只要保证设计上的技术成熟,就可以抵消一次性量产带来的流片昂贵(ASIC...