I have a ROG Swift gsync 144hz monitor. I game with gsync and love it. Screen tearing pisses me off. I notice it easily. On the ROG Swift - 623286
G-Sync was setup in earlier G-Sync monitors to deal with the situation not very differently than FreeSync, the panel would simply stick to the maximum refresh rate resulting in an increase of input latency. However it isn't as severe as with the FreeSync behavior, as the monitor would be ...
@AusWolf can be, worth the try, 50% of screen issues i had using DP port, were down to cable, even if it had correct specs. is gpu scheduling enabled in...
I used to be a big Cryengine fan and wondered why nobody used it anymore. I went back to the Crysis series recently and figured out why. The gunplay on UE4 games seems to have beaten it, and all the new post-processing, lag fest features that they started to implement in Crysis seem...