if (records.count() > 0) { // ⼿动异步提交offset,当前线程提交offset不会阻塞,可以继续处理后⾯ 的程序逻辑 consumer.commitAsync(new OffsetCommitCallback() { @Override public void onComplete(Map offsets, Exception exception) { if (exception != null) { System.err.println("Commit failed for...
NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | | 2 | 2 | 2 | NULL | 0 | | 2 | 2 | NULL | NULL | 0 | | 2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | | 2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | +---+---+---+---+---+ 16 rows in set 上一篇 WMSYS.WM_CONCAT/WM_C...
NULL指的是空值。或者非法值。 NVL (expr1, expr2)->expr1为NULL。返回expr2;不为NULL,返回expr1。注意两者的类型要一致 NVL2 (expr1, expr2, expr3) ->expr1不为NULL,返回expr2;为NULL,返回expr3。expr2和expr3类型不同的话,expr3会转换为expr2的类型 NULLIF (expr1, expr2) ->相等返回NULL,不等...
Group ID: (groupId=javaint, isSimpleConsumerGroup=true, members=, partitionAssignor=, state=Dead, coordinator= (id: 5 rack: null), authorizedOperations=[]) 输出Group ID被使用过或者正在被使用: Group ID: (groupId=javaint, isSimpleConsumerGroup=false, members=(memberId=consumer-...
1、删除本地maven仓库,如:.m2/repository; 把整个repository文件夹删除2、Maven - Update Project(也就是在idea上右侧栏Maven project那个栏,按刷新按钮,等他下载完)
(p.email_address) email_address, p.user_id from teamsp_user_profile p, teamsp_tasks t where p.user_id = t.assigned_to_user_id and t.created_on > sysdate - 1 and p.email_address is not null ) loop l_body_html := 'The following tasks have been added.'; for c2 in (select ...
macro de HTTP_SET_NULL_ID macro de HTTP_SET_VERSION estructura de HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO estructura de HTTP_SSL_INFO estructura de HTTP_STATE_INFO estructura de HTTP_TIMEOUT_LIMIT_INFO estructura de HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS estructura de HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER enumeración HTTP_VERB estructura de...
在Flink中,你可以利用Group By操作和窗口操作来实现每来一条数据输出一次结果的需求。首先,你需要根据...
group by后 SELECT num FROM 表 GROUP BY num HAVING max(id) > 10 # 聚集函数 count sum max min avg group_concat...(字符串拼接) # 都会去除null # sum(1) 等于 count(1) 只能针对int类型 # group_concat SELECT id,GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM aa...GROUP BY id; SELECT id,GROUP_CONCAT(name ...
删除班组失败时返回的失败信息 data Object null failed boolean 删除班组是否失败(true/false) success boolean 删除班组是否成功(true/false) 请求示例 { "personGroupIdList": [ "5001923" ] } 响应示例 { "status": "success", "msg": null, "data": null, "failed": false, "success": true }父...