Passage Twelve Greenland and Iceland 格林兰岛与冰岛 Greenland is the largest island on earth. It is in the north of Europe. 格林兰岛是世界上最大的岛屿。它位于欧洲的北部。 Near Greenland is another island. It is small. Its name is Iceland. 在格林兰岛的附近有另外一个岛。这个岛很小。它的...
12. Greenland and Iceland 格林兰岛与冰岛 502024-06 3 13. A Competition of Lying 说谎比赛 512024-06 4 14. Sports in America 592024-06 5 15. The Apple Tree 苹果树 462024-06 6 16. Pupils in China 中国的小学生们 492024-06 7 17.Say it with Flowers 花语寄情 292024-06 8 18. Learning...
(2) 结合原文可知,Iceland is near Greenland, Greenland is the largest island, and Iceland is not whit with ice, it has a lot of hoe spring, so it is hotter than Greenland. (3) 由文章最后一段可知,Iceland has ice, but not so much. . 反馈...
所属专辑:趣味故事牢记2000初中英语单词 音频列表 1 11. Living like a Pig 像猪一样生活 96 2024-10 2 12. Greenland and Iceland 格林兰岛与冰岛 74 2024-10 3 13. A Competition of Lying 说谎比赛 133 2024-10 4 14. Sports in America
所属专辑:小学百科英语阅读 音频列表 1 The Teddy Bear Hospital 42 2024-04 2 Greenland and Iceland 48 2024-04 3 A School on Wheels 28 2024-04 4 Animals Are Important 16 2024-04 5 Taking a Trip 23 2024-04 6 New England 41 2024-04 ...
“绿意盎然”的格陵兰岛 众所周知,冰岛(Iceland)与格陵兰岛(Greenland)的取名非常的简单粗暴。虽然冰岛名字的起源与气候有关,但实际上冰岛并不是一片寒冷的冰雪之地,岛上还有许多美丽的景色、温泉、火山等。相反,格陵兰岛的名字却有点讽刺,因为格陵兰岛的名字在古代北欧语言中意为“绿地”,而这个岛却以其...
Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. Iceland has a lot of hot springs.They give out hot water and steam. So it is not as cold as Greenland. And there are a lot more people living in Iceland.[生词]cover v. 覆盖,遮盖:Dust covered the table. 桌子蒙上了灰尘。spring ...
冰岛(Iceland)与格陵兰岛(Greenland)用英语表述的意思与实际状况是不相符的;“冰岛不冰,绿岛不绿”才是实情,这主要是因为( ) A. 两个岛屿的纬度位置相差太大 B. 冰岛在板块交界处,格陵兰岛在板块内部 C. 冰岛温暖少冰川,格陵兰岛多冰川 D. 冰岛无降雪,格陵兰岛没有绿色植被 ...
Greenland/Iceland: by sled Ottawa: on foot; pay attention to traffic lights; cannot go at red light London: by subway; get on one by one; cannot run Berlin: by bike; wear helmet; cannot go at red light1. 分析题意:任务要求提取不同国家/地区学生的交通方式、必须遵守的规则和禁止事项。