() Citation Context ...g in the gamma band which ultimately yields the emergence of a coherent percept (Gray and Singer, 1989; Keil et al., 1999; Tallon-Baudry and Bertrand, 1999), a view that has been recently challenged (=-=Yuval-Greenberg et al., 2008-=-; Melloni et al., ...
Campbell L.Review of greenberg (1987)[J].Language,1988 (64):438-448.Adelaar, Willem F.H. 1989. "Review of Greenberg 1987". Lingua 78.249-255.Review of Greenberg - Campbell - 1988 () Citation Context ...to hostile. Especially pursuant ...
语序优势的认知解释 ( --- 论可别度对语序的普遍影响 --- 陆丙甫 提要:Greenberg (1966)用来解释语序蕴涵共性的最重要的两个因素是“优势”和“和谐”。“和谐”原理的解释和应用后来受到了广泛的重视,但是对“优势”的研究相对来说极为薄弱。本文认为语序优势主要跟语言单位的可别度(identifiability ) 有关:其...
ELSEVIERLung CancerGreenberg E R, Chute C G, Stuket T et al. Social and economic factors in the choice of lung cancer treat- ment: A population-based study in two rural states. New England journal of medicine 1988; 318: 612-617.
Comrie (1989:99-100)已经指出了这种研究的偏向,并指出单靠和谐只能解释双向的蕴涵关系(有P必有Q,反过来也成立,即有Q 也必有P);而不能解释Greenberg 的单向蕴涵现象。刘丹青(2003:35)也强调了这一点,把那些忽视优势的和谐理论称为“纯和谐主义”。沈家煊附在刘著中的评审意见也特地说到刘著在这一点上的正确...
properties, the shear velocity requires a more rigorous treatment due to the limitations of its recording on geophysical well logging or seismic survey, despite the evolution of borehole geophysics’ technology (Stevens and Day, 1986; Chen, 1988, 1989; Tang and Wang, 2005; Tan et al., 2015)...