Find things to do in Tokyo Experience the best of Greater Tokyo when you book this amazing travel pass Skip the hassle of buying separate tickets for each mode of transportation in the city with this pass Get access to the wide transportation networks of the Japanese capital such as the compl...
Please Note: TeamLab Planets TOKYO Ticket is a very popular activity and it might be sold out on the days you would like to reserve, it is highly suggested to check the avilability here before purchasing the pass. Reservations cannot be made for children’s tickets only. Please be sure to...
购买“Greater Tokyo Pass”后,只用这1张票就能任意周游羊山公园、高尾山、江之岛、涩谷、森户海岸、东京都厅大厦、浅草雷门、三渓园、港未来21、成田山新胜寺、日光东照宮等景点,超值又便利! 利用Greater Tokyo Pass时+1,230日元 可乘坐Skyliner! 利用Skyliner 坐车更便捷、舒适! 。 。
The Greater Tokyo Pass offers unlimited rides on 12 private railways and 52 bus companies in and around Tokyo. It comes loaded on aPasmo Passport IC card, which is incredibly convenient and means you don’t have to worry about losing a paper pass. ...
日本新的交通套票服务 Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天内自由搭乘关东地区12家机构运营的铁路、轨道线路及51家机构运营的普通巴士线路,主要于成田机场、羽田机场内及主要电车站销售。 东京2019年1月28日电 /美通社/ -- 再过不久,就要迎来2019年的春节。与此同时,为了迎接2020年的东京奥运会,日本面向访日游客大力开发新...
The Greater Tokyo Pass allows international visitors to Japan unlimited rides for three consecutive days on the private railways in eastern Japan. You can travel from Tokyo to Nikko, Kawagoe and Hakone for just 7,200 yen!
“Greater Tokyo Pass”的購買方法 僅訪日的外國旅客能够使用“Greater Tokyo Pass”,居住於日本的人無法使用。 購買方法非常簡單,只需前往出售“Greater Tokyo Pass”的車站窗口,出示護照、付費、在車票背面簽名即可。 簡單幾個步驟就能無限乘坐關東私鐵,强烈推薦列車行程超過3天的旅客使用!
日本新的交通套票服務 Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天內自由搭乘關東地區12家機構運營的鐵路、軌道線路及51家機構運營的普通巴士線路,主要於成田機場、羽田機場內及主要電車站銷售。 這款交通套票名為Greater Tokyo Pass,可在3天内自由搭乘關東地區12家機構運營的鐵路、軌道線路及51家機構運營的普通巴士線路,主要於成田機...
Please Note: It will take ten days for the JR Pass for Whole Japan 7 Days to be delivered to your designated address, please make a reservation in advance. Please Note: TeamLab Planets TOKYO Ticket is a very popular activity and it might be sold out on the days you would like to rese...
A crowd waves flags to welcome the Shenzhen, a Chinese Type 051B Luhai-class missile destroyer, upon its arrival in Tokyo. (Haruyoshi Yamaguchi / Bloomberg) The slide also shows the "battle force composition" of the countries' two navies side-by-side, which includes "combatant ship...