Banking and financial services produce very high earnings, and a lot of people are trying to get onto thegravytrain. 银行和金融服务行业收入很高, 很多人都想得到这种美差. 《简明英汉词典》 And I want it with black peppergravy. 还有,给我加上黑胡椒酱. ...
网络释义 gravy n. 1. (调味)肉汁a brown sauce made by adding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is cooking 2. (informal) 意外之财;飞来福something, especially money, that is obtained when you do not expect it
1、gravyboat n. 调味汁瓶, 酱油壶, 上肉汁用的船形盘 2、gravyholder [网络] 肉汁架 3、gravytrain n. 轻易发大财的工作; 美差; 肥缺 4、pangravy锅煮肉汁 5、ride thegravytrain 轻易地赚大钱, 干不费力的活 6、bygravy通过肉汁 7、cover it withgravy盖上肉汁 ...
Another favourite way to eat rice noodles is with meat, vegetables and thick gravy.(另一种受喜爱的吃法是搭配肉、蔬菜和浓肉汁来吃米粉。) After about three months, though, the gravy train stops and the young foxes must find their own meals.(但是,这种不劳而获的生活只会持续约三个月,此后...
“gravy”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] n.[U] 1. 肉汁;(作调味用的)卤 Add some wine to the gravy. 请在肉汁里加点酒。 2. 【俚】轻易得来的钱;外快;赏钱;非法所得 相关词语 gravyboatgravytrain
gravy英音: ['greivi] 美音: ['greivi] 不可数名词:1.(调味)肉汁2. 意外之财,飞来福 英英释义 a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money) basically the juices that drip from cooking meats 访问沪江小D查看gravy的更多详细解释> 词形变化 复数: gravies 相...
gravy 的意思和用法 Gravy的意思是肉汁或烤汁,特指加入淀粉或面粉等增稠剂使其浓稠的汁液。常用于作为调味品,用于盖浇肉类、土豆泥、意大利面和其他食物。 在英式菜肴中,gravy常常由肉类煮烤的汁液制成。比如,烤牛肉的汁液加入盐和胡椒粉后就可以做成牛肉酱汁。而在美式菜肴中,gravy也可由家禽肉的汁液制成。比如...
in the gravy[俚语]发财的;很有钱的 gravy boat调味 瓶;酱油壶;船形调味 盘 英语例句库 come to Hollywood and get on to the gravy train. 到好莱坞来轻松赚大钱。 gravy clotting as it cools; 冷却时结块了; for a binder try soup, gravy, cream, or what have you. ...
英英 网络释义 gravy n. 1. (调味)肉汁a brown sauce made by adding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is cooking 2. (informal) 意外之财;飞来福something, especially money, that is obtained when you do not expect it ...