The parameterplayeris the player whose inventory should get restored. The parameterdeath_idis the ID of the death. You can find it out by enabling advanced tooltips (F3 + H) and opening the obituary. The death ID also gets written into the logs if a grave couldn't get placed. The last...
This script / addon will add a tombstone after the death of the player inMinecraft PE. This can be useful on different servers or just for a single game. The tombstone stores all the items and therefore they can be removed if you break the tombstone. The tombston...
In addition to creating gravestones on the deaths of the player and several NPCs, the Gravestone mod also adds a whole new area to Minecraft. Similar to underground strongholds, the Wither’s Catacombs can be found below the surface of the earth in select locations. They will be difficult to...
Are you sick of the way gravestones are added to Minecraft, do you want a simpler, more refined way to engage death in this game? The Gravestones Mod might be exactly what you want, because it allows you to access gravestones which will automatically spawn once the player is dead....
Minecraft 1.21.1 henkelmax more info The Corpse mod gives the player a little extra reassurance when playing on survival. If you should die in the game, your body will remain at the spot holding al... Aquaculture 2 Minecraft 1.21.1 Shadowclaimer more info Aquaculture 2 is the follow ...
Minecraft 1.21.1 TKD_Kedis more info Exotelcraft is a mod that adds a new dimension to Minecraft. You can get to this dimension just as easily as you can get to the Nether by constructing the Exote... Remorphed Minecraft 1.21.1 ToCraft more info Remorphed is a wonderful mod that ...