Gratuity can be settled in form of cash, cheque, transfer to the account, or demand draft. 2) Does a company consider gratuity in CTC? Some companies make it as part of CTC and some do not mention it as part of CTC. 3) Can an employer pay gratuity more than what is prescribed? An...
In case you have posted wrongly about deduction from salary but IT is CTC then you may resolve by applying your own skills ; persuasion, persistence, negotiations, reasoning… (FIN)30 May 2018 You may come across threads in which employees posted that they succeeded by their own skills. You ...
Generally Gratuity contribution is 4.81% of Basic and it is the part of CTC. We will not post gratuity to FI every month and gratuity will be paid after completion of 5 years of service or seperation and mintain that in IT0015 thruogh gratuity WT ...this WT will be posted to FI. Mo...
But employer sees Gratuity as a liability. So most of the employers include Gratuity in CTC because they believe Cost to the Company (CTC) is cash out go today + cash outgo in the future, which means, Basic + perquisites + Company’s contribution to your PF + today’s valuation of the...