The addition of conc. HNO3 or fuming H2SO4 to 48% aqu. HF produces a stage 2 GIC. Structure refinement indicates a helical conformation of the anion. Stage 2 CxN(CF3SO2)2 (x = 37) is obtained within 15 minutes under ambient condition in 48% aqu. HF. The anion orientations for ...
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e follow in g conc lusion s c an be obta ined fro m fi g ure 1: ( 1) To ea ch graphite tu be ,th e se nsiti vity with th e u se of optic al te m pe ra ture control w as hig her th an th a t u sin g th e e lec tri c te m pe ra ture c ontro1....
HNO3 treatments make the introduction of O-functional groups onto GNF surfaces.Oxygenated GNFs lead to the optimal conditions of the PtRu reduction reaction.Loading level of PtRu catalysts gradually increases with increasing of HNO3 conc.doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.04.181Seul-Yi Lee...