Even with scholarships and grants, grad students often rely on student loans to get by. Unfortunately, after graduation,student loanscan be tough to manage, and graduates often realize that they might have been better off avoiding them altogether. There are ways to get through grad school debt-f...
FAFSA unlocks all federal and state aid for graduate school—including federal loans, federal and state grants, work-study, and school student assistance. Submit FAFSA as early as you can each calendar year, as many aid sources are first come, first serve....
as a graduate student, you are automatically considered independent and therefore qualify for different loans. Make sure you are considering all of your options and plan accordingly. Too often grad students do not consider the full scope of their repayment terms and co...
Careers in law are still among the highest-paid in the country. To practice, you need to earn a Juris Doctor (JD) degree—typically a three-year post-graduate program for full-time students. Most states also require that you pass a bar exam.16And considering the student loans needed to ...
Money for Grad School: Before you commit to a pricey program, check out grants, fellowships and loansWHEN THE GOING GETS tough, the tough get going-to graduate school, that is. In 2001, when the economy took its last tumble, applications to graduate-degree programs doubled and then double...
As a result, when a student wins a private scholarship from an outside source, the school could reduce the financial aid package by the amount of the award. This is usually referred to as an “overaward” by schools or “displacement” by scholarship providers. Though you may find such ...
Graduate school tuition can be expensive, leading to potential student loan debt and financial strain, especially if you don’t receivefinancial aid. It can be a big-time commitment, depending on the degree, which can delay your ability to begin your career if you aren’t currently working fu...
“I graduated from law school in 2015 with over $200,000 ofstudent loan debtand $13,000 of credit card debt,” she says. Like lots of post-grads, she deferred the loan for one year, then started paying it back. But after one year of payments, she realized something staggering: Even...
meant I had to learn how to fill out forms like the FAFSA on my own and had to familiarize myself with student loan jargon (like the meaning of subsidized and unsubsidized) – all of which were things that the many parents of non-first-gen students handled (at least at my school). ...
CT: For information on the department and program: Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, Telephone: 212-854-4112. For applications: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Office of Student Affairs, 107 Low Memorial Library, Columbia University, New Yor...