fall from grace (尤指因做了错事或不道德之事而)失去信任,失去尊重,失去恩宠to lose the trust or respect that people have for you, especially by doing sth wrong or immoral sbs fall from grace (尤指因做了错事或不道德之事的)失信a situation in which sb loses the trust or respect that people...
大小写变形:GRACEGrace 词态变化 第三人称单数:graces; 过去式:graced; 过去分词:graced; 现在分词:gracing; 实用场景例句 全部 恩泽 优雅 慈悲 魅力 惠赐 He handed over the money with typical badgrace. 他照常不情愿地把钱交出来。 牛津词典 He didn't even have thegraceto look embarrassed. ...
Among disagreeable qualities he possessed the saving grace of humor. b : a pleasing appearance or effect : charm all the grace of youth John Buchan c : ease and suppleness (see supple entry 1 sense 2b) of movement or bearing danced with such grace 4...
grace (ɡreɪs) n 1.elegance and beauty of movement, form, expression, or proportion 2.a pleasing or charming quality 3.goodwill or favour 4.the granting of a favour or the manifestation of goodwill, esp by a superior 5.a sense of propriety and consideration for others ...
Grace(格蕾丝)是一个很常见的英文女子名,它来自单词grace,意思是“优雅,魅力,恩惠”。因为它的含义非常美好,所以很多人都喜欢取名Grace(格蕾丝)。 在古希腊神话中有三位“美惠女神”(the Kharites),翻译成英语就是three Graces。她们是三姐妹,擅长舞蹈,是美丽和...
* fall from grace (尤指因做了错事或不道德之事而)失去信任,失去尊重,失去恩宠 to lose the trust or respect that people have for you, especially by doing sth wrong or immoral * sb’s fall from grace (尤指因做了错事或不道德之事的)失信 ...
优雅GRACE杂志 1月17日 14:06 来自微博视频号 自1969年陪伴人类首次登月以来,欧米茄超霸腕表便与浩瀚宇宙结下了不解之缘。全新超霸系列双月相腕表陨石款,采用两种陨石材质打造,并搭载全新的欧米茄机芯,是欧米茄首款同时显示南北半球月相的腕表。以匠心设计和卓越工艺,续写超霸腕表的传奇历史。探索更多:O网页链接#欧米...
Grace,中国台湾漫画家,主要作品有《漫画情人梦》《曼哈顿物语》等。基本介绍 Grace(1969年11月18日-)中国台湾漫画家,本名郑惠元。出生于台北。血型:O型 喜欢:粉色系和圆形的东西 个性:迷糊爱作白日梦 兴趣:旅游及手工艺DIY 作品 人物 1994年,以短篇刊登在焦点少女而正式出道。画风清新可爱,作品以描述青春...