命令是nvcc -arch sm_20 xx.cu -o xx (xx为文件名) -arch sm_20是用来指定编译器使用Fermi架构产生device代码,跟编译器有关,改用sm_60后编译通过。 --- 作者:Jonah_Mao 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/Mao_Jonah/article/details/78965827 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!
在出现’unsupported gpu’的情况下一定要去查看cuda对应的版本 cuda对应版本 可以看出compute_30已经被cuda11放弃使用了,所以将这一行对应内容注释掉即可 在make darknet时报错,将mekefile中删除相应的compute_30行
The guide to building CUDA applications for GPUs based on the NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture.1. NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture Compatibility 1.1. About this Document This application note, NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture Compatibility Guide for CUDA Applications, is intended to help developers ...
Beijing-based startup Moore Threads (摩尔线程) released a new architecture and a series of GPU products at its latest launch event on March 30 in Beijing.Established in October 2020, Moore Threads has rich applications of its multi-functional GPUs based on Moore Threads Unified System Architectur...
The AMD RDNA™ 3 ISA reference guide is now available! The ISA guide is useful for anyone interested in the lowest level operation of the RDNA 3 shader core.
As usual, when engineers designed the new GPU, their main objective was to increase its efficiency. They had to achieve a two-fold advantage in theoretical performance over the prev-gen GPU. With the GPU complexity of 2.15 billion transistors (over twice as many as in the top GPU of the ...
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使用VS编译OpenCV编译源代码时候,对Cmake生成的工程文件编译,会出现nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_11' 问题。原因是CUDA7.5不支持较为古老的显卡版本,因此1.1,2.0,2.1,之类的显卡选项是多余的。 需要更改Cmake GUI对工程的配置,去掉对compute_11的支持 ...
nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture'compute_20'Makefile:596: recipefortarget'.build_release/cuda/src/caffe/solvers/nesterov_solver.o'failed 原来的Makefile.config # CUDA architecture setting: going with all of them. # For CUDA<6.0, comment the *_50 through *_61 linesforcompatibility. ...