* Excluding federal grants (which are counted under federal spending), from 1959 to 2022, the portion of U.S. state and local government current expenditures that were spent on: social programs rose from 55% to 60% and then declined to 55%. general government and debt service grew from ...
And if you don’t have time to even watch the last few minutes of the video, the big takeaway is that a majority of people tell pollsters that they want a bigger welfare state, but only if somebody else is paying for it. This is very consistent with polling data I shared back in ...
also linked to political justice, the ancillary staff we talked to appeared to have limited input in decision-making at institutional level. Instead, they felt they had to comply with oft changing policies. One shared how they were told: ‘You don’t make decisions, you only follow process’...
Furthermore, there is also social responsibility matter in which the youth should understand the importance of helping others within the area of their living. It is important to do something that could make some differences in the community and the people in it. Within the top section of YMCA ...