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Google Trendsis a public and free information service offered by Google’s search engine that supplies frequency time-series data for a particular word or group of words. The search volume offered byGoogle Trendsencompasses data from 2004 to the present and can be enclosed by country or region....
Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Biggs HM - Chapter 4. Hand, foot, & mouth disease. Yellow Book. Accessed 26 Sep 2022; 2020. Koh WM, Bogich T, Siegel K, Jin J,...
Jin, X. Yang, Y. Qu Classification and regression tree models for remote recognition of black and odorous water bodies based on sensor networks Sci. Program., 2022 (2022), 10.1155/2022/7390098 Google Scholar [39] M. Pal, P.M. Mather An assessment of the effectiveness of decision tree ...
Google Scholar GitHub LinkedIn YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES↑ YES! YES! YES! News 2024.12.31Six papers are accepted by CVPR, ECCV, and SIGGRAPH in 2024. 2024.12.5Thrilled to see the public launch ofAndroidXR(blog post) -- the platform on which we have been building cutting-edge perc...
Does Google Scholar contain all highly cited documents (1950-2013)? 4. How many highly cited documents are freely accessible? 4.1 What file types are the most commonly used to store these highly cited documents? 4.2 ... A Martín-Martín,Ordua-Malea, Enrique,JM Ayllón,... - 《Eprint ...
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 6. Drees J. Google receives more than 1 billion health questions every day. Becker’s Health IT. March 11, 2019. Accessed February 2023.
I-Conc also provided access to Google Custom Search (customized for each respondent with the sites specifically relevant to their work) and Google Scholar. Google, including GCS and GS, ranked third in the frequency of use, after Naver bilingual resource (25.6%) and COCA (25.4%) (Yoon 2014...
MathSciNet Google Scholar Svensson, P. (2012). Envisioning the digital humanities. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 6(1), 1–34. MathSciNet Google Scholar Teng, Y., Bi, D., Xie, G., Jin, Y., Huang, Y., Lin, B...