启用谷歌服务:在谷歌基础服务管理页面中,找到谷歌服务的开关,并将其打开。这样,你就成功启用了小米手机上的Google Play服务。 方法二:通过Google Installer启用 下载Google Installer:首先,你需要下载并安装一个名为Google Installer的软件。你可以通过小米应用商店搜索Google Installer进行下载,也可以在网上找到并下载其安装...
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客户端应用现在已经上架Google Play和苹果应用商店。据悉,卡巴斯基全新移动安全解决方案是一款高级解决方案,可用于保护和管理企业的移动设备,包括智能手机和平板电脑。该解决方案能够将员工个人设备快速和安全地整合入企业网络,可靠地保护存储在其中的机密信息,即使设备丢失或被盗,也可以远程锁定设备,并清除其中的敏感数据。
The camera is embedded in the phone’s design, so it doesn’t have an “unsightly camera bump” as Osterloh said at the event, in an obvious swipe at the design of Apple’s newest phones. For photo-taking fans who constantly use up storage on their smartphones, the Pixel comes with ...
Some of the context may be transmitted to the search engine in the search query (Section 3.3), and may possibly be stored at the engine so as to play a part in future queries. Lastly, some of the context will best be handled elsewhere, and so becomes a filter or secondary search ...