评委团由杰出的设计专业人士和领先的行业专家组成,2024 Good Design Awards评审团成员名单。 获奖收获 1.使用 GOOD DESIGN ® 标志 获奖的设计公司和制造商有权签订有限的法律许可协议,以使用博物馆的 GOOD DESIGN ® 标志,在其营销、出版物、促销和传播活动中,标记和识别选定的产品或图形,作为公共象征产品和服务...
评委团由杰出的设计专业人士和领先的行业专家组成,2024 Good Design Awards评审团成员名单。 获奖收获 1.使用 GOOD DESIGN ® 标志 获奖的设计公司和制造商有权签订有限的法律许可协议,以使用博物馆的 GOOD DESIGN ® 标志,在其营销、出版物、促销和传播活动中,标记和识别选定的产品或图形,作为公共象征产品和服务...
GOOD DESIGN® the oldest and the most Prestigious Awards Program. The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd. present the Museum's annual GOOD DESIGN® Awards Program for the most innovative and cutting-ed
设计:Yonghyuk Shin, Gangdong-gu Urban Landscape Project Team, Kimustudio Creative Design Team, Kimustudio, Seoul, South Korea 16 作品名称:Thirty75 Tech 设计:Verse Design, Paul Reling Tang, Courtenay Bauer, Yi-Hsiu Yeh, Mariliana Ramos, Robert Shepherd, Ryan McGriff, Verse Design LA, Los A...
Good Design Australia is an international design promotion organisation responsible for managing the annual international Good Design Awards and other signature design events. With a proud history dating back to 1958, we remain committed to promoting the
Designers:Inhouse Design innogy SE, Essen, Germany Client:innogy SE, Essen, Germany Project Description With the new App Your Future app, innogy has produced a comprehensive retirement planning app which brings them to the forefront in the field of digitized personnel management and retirement counsel...
The deadline for this year's submission is June 1st, 2024. Each year, The Chicago Athenaeum presents the GOOD DESIGN®Awards Program for the most innovative and cutting-edge industrial, product, and graphic designs produced around the world. ...
Good Design Australia is an international design promotion organisation responsible for managing the annual international Good Design Awards and other signature design events. With a proud history dating back to 1958, we remain committed to promoting the
美国好设计奖(American Good Design Award)是一项国际性设计奖项,旨在表彰和展示全球杰出设计作品。它由全球设计专家、总监和企业家组成的评审团,通过严格保密的评审流程,确保评选的公正性。该奖项致力于通过设计提升人类生活品质,推动社会创新和可持续发展。
由日本设计振兴会在1957年开始举办的优良设计大奖近日公布了获奖名单,此次小编整理了其中的金奖作品供大家欣赏。 1.作品名称:手杖和拐杖 设计:克里斯托佛·维尔海姆·彼得森 这种拐杖是由两位工匠设计和定制的,他们从丹麦小镇Hundested开始手工制作拐杖。这些手工艺者有着热爱的个性,有着爱护物品并长期使用的态度,有着被...