What's good against Water/Bug? Is Fire super effective against Fairy? What's Good Against has the answers! EASY TO USE With its simple interface, What's Good Against provides a quick and easy way to always know your Pokémon type advantages!
Dusknoir is purely a Ghost-type. It is weak against Dark and Ghost-type moves, but it is resistant against Bug, Fighting, Normal, and Poison-type attacks. You primarily want to use Dusknoir against the several Bug, Fighting, and Poison-type Pokémon appearing at increasing rates in the Pok...
but it is resistant against Bug, Electric, Flying, Grass, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, and Water-types attacks. Because of its many resistances, Dialga is a highly appealing Pokémon for you to use. Not too many Pokémon can face up against it. ...
稍微介绍一下吧,本人是第一次制作并发布改版,技术力非常有限(真的非常有限),姑且测试了一次没有什么BUG 修改内容: 1、 1-50号技能机分别给了50只宝可梦携带可重复获取 2、进化相关: 常规通信进化改为升级进化 统一为40级 用进化石 共4 张 Tcry小电铜 1-10 43 宝可梦 紫苑镇篇 Pokemon Lavender 汉化...
由于v13.5目前bug很多,建议及时备份存档。下载方式去pokemon rejuvenation官网,本贴就不介绍了。兴趣使然更新 wjsnsnxnbf 2-28 99 评价一些gbc改版或gbc风格的同人游戏 ex大叔酱 gba改版其他人评价得差不多了,我来评价gbc向的 ex大叔酱 8-12 8 【分享】口袋妖怪 登峰造极 大平面地图 future19950804 ...
While Poison spam tends to be one of the better ways of applying pressure to Hippowdon and Landorus-T cores, there are a wide variety of unique interactions that these Pokemon tend to have with one another that allows them to prosper in the metagame in spite of shared issues against bulky...
Shuckle is the only option for negating such situations, as the core relies on sticky web (which few viable bug pokemon can set), and viable alternatives boil down to thunder waving the would-be sweeper (since the only taunter bug has is kricketune), something that would severely hamper ...
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管理器,在你的手机根目录里找到data,进去data里得data,在这个文件夹里找到一个结尾为pokemonex4的文件夹进去,找到file文件夹,进去。这里面了你的apk存档,找到后缀为sav 和ssX的文件复制。 接下来在你的gba模拟器的口袋萌娘所在的文件夹粘贴上述2个文件,然后把2个文件名改成和你的口袋萌娘一样的文件名,不...
对一些pokemon的玩法推荐 艾卡特 6个本命镇楼,反正不是口袋妖怪吧各位高玩就当娱乐吧 共6 张 龙须棒棒哒 6-30 37 《Pixelmon》mod全BGM已上传至网易云音乐及百度网盘 我可是上... 如题,因为本人算是那种对音乐比较痴迷的人吧,所以刚接触这个mod的时候就被里面自带的BGM给吸引了...ww 算了进入正题,一...