This subrepository holds macro-benchmarks used for Go performance development and monitoring. Each benchmark is compiled into a separate binary. To build and install them all in the current directory, execute: $ GOBIN=$PWD go get To run a benchmark, simply ...
runtime: performance regression for small Swiss Table map access for non-specialized keys #70849 commented on Mar 9, 2025 • 0 new comments archive/zip: fails to encode filenames with utf-8 chars if 'Modified' is not set #44187 commented on Mar 9, 2025 • 0 new comments x...
not RFC compliant in subtle ways)httprouter(has other features besides speed; I've never actually seen routing in my profiles)regexp ->ragel(or other regular expression package)serializationencoding/gob ->alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarksprotobuf ->gogo/protobuf ...
还有权威对比: 原文 大家看看就好。 最后,就是加个大图,说明一切 但是图中没有算compile时间,对动态语言不公平。 另外, 性能相差不大...
如果你觉得慢,先编写 benchmark 来证明 适度是一种美德 可维护性 Go 语言开源类库 Web 框架 Macaron - 一款具有高生产力和模块化设计的 Go Web 框架 国产 Beego - 一个使用 Go 的思维来帮助您构建并开发 Go 应用程序的开源框架 国产 Gin - 轻量 Web 框架 Iris - Web 开发框架 Revel echo chi Faygo -...
I'd say there's a more systematic approach that could be taken instead of trying to implement a 'read-preferred locking` pattern just because it sounds cool and sounds like it solve all your problems. What are your benchmarks numbers? What is the size of input data, and across how many...
还有权威对比: 原文 大家看看就好。 最后,就是加个大图,说明一切 但是图中没有算compile时间,对动态语言不公平。
Go testruns unit tests and benchmarks, enabling code testing and the gathering of performance data. Go buildcompiles Go packages and dependencies into an executable library. Go vetexamines Gosource codefor mistakes and suspicious constructs. ...
BenchmarkYoyoFixed-12 1382135 455608 -67.04% deque more none-go1.17.6.txt goos: darwin goarch: amd64 pkg: cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkPushFront-12 24497521 50.09 ns/op BenchmarkPushBack-12 32226673 39.35 ns/op BenchmarkSerial-12...
接着我又让 GPT-4 把这段文字用英文重新表述一遍,并且是放到 Markdown 块里,方便我插入 文件,开始“孵化”一个炫酷的开源项目: 4. 让 GPT-4 写第一行代码! 前面GPT-4 列了一堆的需求,自己列的需求让它自己去实现! 继续通过 DevChat 使唤 GPT-4 ...