Manga Anime Kid Goku Great Ape Goku Teen Goku Goku in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Kid Goku and Adult Goku SSG Goku Goku in Resurrection of 'F' Goku's mastered Super Saiyan God Form, Super Saiyan Blue Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken form Goku in his new form Goku as an adult in the first...
It is the most powerful form, Super Saiyan Blue, that manifests itself as a transformation into Son Goku. However, Beerus and other Products accept the completed nature of the transition, which means it might not be completely Goku-specific. Strength Shook the World in its Super Saiyan ...
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Goku can also utilize this ability in his Super Saiyan Blue: Kaioken form. Kaioken Attack - Goku powers up to Kaio-ken x3 as he charges at the opponent and roundhouse kicks them up into the air. Then, he flies up in the air and punches the opponent away. Next, he flies up over ...
He was briefly able to stand against Jiren but ultimately even with Kaioken X-20, Goku was severely beaten but Goku was able to stay on the ring after being hit by the Power Impact. X20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken Goku's usage of the Universe 7's Spirit Bomb could clash with Jiren ... vs Goku full powa ssj4 used Goku ssb used (friza sage) Speed equal and both are 3-A Goku: (gt) Baboon: Monkey: Braking Thread Dec...
Each characters has individual special skills such as transform into ssj form, ssj blue form, kaioken attack to inscrease speed and attack damage ... Collect coins and unlock all of them to discover many beautiful and awesome skills.- Easy to play, very addictive: just tap, tap and tap ...
Each characters has individual special skills such as transform into ssj form, ssj blue form, kaioken attack to inscrease speed and attack damage ... Collect coins and unlock all of them to discover many beautiful and awesome skills.- Easy to play, very addictive: just tap, tap and tap ...
Each characters has individual special skills such as transform into ssj form, ssj blue form, kaioken attack to inscrease speed and attack damage ... Collect coins and unlock all of them to discover many beautiful and awesome skills.- Easy to play, very addictive: just tap, tap and tap ...