请问如何emit手动..大家好,我又来请教问题了。如果signal不经过connect bind,直接emit是没问题的。但是比如说一个slider控件,用来控制某个sound_bus的音量_onVolumeChange通过
When a file dialog to select multiple files with is opened (I don't know if it the other ones have the same issue), thefiles_selectedsignal is not emit when the user presses the cancel button or closes the dialog (if it is in a separate window). This can be a problem for async f...
I can fix it and create a PR if it's confirmed a bug. But what could be a good solution? 1 - Create another signal for that purpose 2 - Use the signal but create a different errorCode from those in the google documentation (e.g -4 or 9) ...
signal gem_grab # 定义一个信号 func _ready(): pass func _on_gem_area_entered(area): if area.get_name()=="player": emit_signal("gem_grab") #当gem被player碰撞,发出这个信号 queue_free() 2. 在main中观测信号,并行动 extends Node onready var gem_container=$gem_container onready var ge...
Adds application/config/emit_on_file_open setting to emit MainLoop::on_file_open signal instead of starting new app instance. Always enabled for sandboxed apps, since these can't open instance with...
However, I can't find it right now -- I'll comb through my laptop history to see if I can find it again. What I do know is that the existing MR fixes this bug when launching a game through steam that has steam input enabled and also gives preferential treatment to the users ...
Describe the bug When the Await Signal node is used with signals that are argumentless, the node reacts to the signal when raised; however, if the signal has arguments as part of the event being fired, the await node does not react. Expe...