Many purchase credit cards will offer a lengthy interest-free period for new shoppers, sometimes longer than 12 months. That means that if you need to spread the cost of a major purchase, this type of card could save you money. Of course, that's only true if you clear the balance withi...
Balance transfer cards This type of card enables you to move your existing debt onto it from another credit card. They often have a long 0% interest period on balance transfers, giving you more time to pay it off without building up a load more debt. To take advantage of the 0% introdu...
Types of interest free cards There are different types of interest free cards, and you’ll need to make sure you get the right one for you. Some offer 0% interest on purchases, while others offer 0% interest on balance transfers. 0% purchases cards You can use a 0% interest purchase ...
The eligibility check looks at all kinds of credit cards, like 0% interest cards,balance transfers,money transfer credit cardsandbusiness credit cards. How can I improve my chances of being accepted for a credit card? Run an eligibility check – rather than applying for a credit card right aw...
There are cards available that place no limit on their cashback rewards, but they might come with lower cashback rates. 0% interest periods Some cashback cards offer introductory 0% interest periods for purchases, balance transfers or both, so search for these if that benefit is important to ...
Purchase credit cards Transfer and purchase credit card This type of card offers promotional or competitive introductory interest rates on both purchases and balance transfers. As a multi-purpose card, it can help you spread the cost of what you buy as well as cut the cost of any existing ...