go over one's head [释] to do sth without seeking a superior's permission; [例] We'll go over his head to appeal for what we think is right.; go postal [释]to be extremely upset/violent; [例] I don't believe John will go postal for this trivial matter. go potty [释]an e...
网络跨过某人向他的上级告状;越级上告 网络释义
go over one's head 天马行空,不知所云;
#英语天天练#go to one's hesd 是上头了? 还在为英语词汇量不够而发愁?还在为过不了四六级而抓耳挠腮?大医广场开设新栏目#英语天天练#陪你一起打卡!每晚一个单词,每天一点进步,加油吧!年轻人! 英语天天练: go to one'shead 是什么意思? 下方评论区等着大家打卡哦!
P184184. What's the difference between also and too - Learn American English 05:15 P185185. 7 Tips Where to practice English if you live in a country where no one spe 06:59 P186186. Best Advice - How to Improve Speaking & Conversation in General in English 04:16 P187187. 2 Ways to...
百度文库 期刊文献 图书go to one's head英文释义go to one's head英文释义 1、(酒)上某人的头,喝醉了; 2、(胜利、喜悦等)冲昏某人的头脑,使人骄傲自满。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
go to one's head 1 (酒)上某人的头,喝醉了 2 (胜利、喜悦等)冲昏某人的头脑,使人骄傲自满 go to one's heart 使某人伤心 直入某人心坎 打动某人
go to one's head冲昏头脑 go to sb's head使兴奋, 使某人冲昏头脑, 使某人醉酒, 使某人狂妄, 使妄自尊大 go one's roundsv.按户投递,出诊,巡逻 go to one's doom走向灭亡,死 go to one's fate死,丧命,送命 go on with one's work继续自己的工作 ...
gounhskull-head-O-of-one-out out of one’s head (或gounhskull) 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.精神错乱的,发疯的,说胡话的 用法及例句: Join the marines? You must be out of your gourd.参加海军陆战队?你一定是疯了。 You’re out of your head if you think I’ll do that.假如你以为...