Calling ‘g.plot()’ multiple times reuses the plot window instead of creating a new plot(…)The convenience plotting routine in gnuplotlib. Invocation:import gnuplotlib as gp gp.plot( curve, curve, ..., subplot_and_default_curve_options )Each...
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[0.5:12.5]gnuplot> set xtics 1,1,12gnuplot> set term pdfcairo lw 2 font "Times New Roman,8"gnuplot> set output "precipitation.pdf"gnuplot> plot "precipitation.dat" u 1:2 w lp pt 5 title "北京", "precipitation.dat" u 1:3 w lp pt 7 title "上海"gnuplot> set output 这⾥...
I am trying to call the function test() as many times as possible in a given time interval. Here the function should be running for 15 seconds. However, the function doesn't stop running, and the Ende... continuously read json from childprocess stdout ...
//Include this several times to test delayed loading of armadillo/blitz support. #include"gnuplot-iostream.h" #include<fstream> #include<vector> #include<tuple> #include<array> #include<cstdint> #include<boost/array.hpp> #ifUSE_ARMA
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