(GMT -5 Time) 当地时间:00:22:46 当地日期:2025-01-23, 星期四 时区偏移:UTC-5 »西五区时间与你所在时区时间换算。 亚洲时区与西五区时间转换: 北京新加坡阿拉伯海湾黎巴嫩不丹阿富汗亚美尼亚巴林孟加拉国文莱柬埔塞香港印度雅加达伊朗伊拉克以色列耶路撒冷日本约旦阿拉木图朝鲜韩国科威特吉尔吉斯老挝马来西亚马尔代夫蒙古...
GMT +5 Time to Worldwide Time Converters, Current Local Time in GMT+5, GMT+5 Clock with Seconds
The GMT/UTC+5 hours offset is shared by several countries countries in Asia. None of them uses Daylight Saving Time. Find out more about other countries, their time zone, offsets and current times using ourgeographical selector. Time converter for: GMT+5 ...
GMT-5 is5 hours behindGreenwich Mean Time The GMT/UTC minus 5 hours offset applies only to Eastern Standard Time, during Daylight Saving Time the offset is -4. Time converter for: GMT-5 Enteryour locationorany place of your choicefor more comparisons. ...
GMT-5 的时区 ID 是 "America/New_York"。在 MaxCompute 中,可以通过设置 session 参数 odps.timezone 来切换时区。例如,可以使用如下 SQL 语句将时区设置为 GMT-5: -- 切换为 GMT-5 时区SET odps.timezone = "America/New_York"; 需要注意的是,MaxCompute 中的时间戳是以 UTC 时区存储的,切换时区只会...
1. GMT-5时区通常被称为美国东部时间(Eastern Standard Time, EST)或美国东部标准时间(Eastern Time Zone, ET),它覆盖了美国东部和加拿大东南部的大部分地区。2. 在这个时区内,主要的城市包括亚特兰大、底特律、哈瓦那(古巴)、迈阿密、多伦多、纽约、费城、波士顿和蒙特利尔等。3. 标准棚岩时间是...
GMT-5时区,又称为美国东部标准时间(Eastern Standard Time, EST)或东部时间区(Eastern Time Zone, ET),它涵盖的地域主要包括美国东部和加拿大东南部。这个区域的重要城市包括亚特兰大、底特律、哈瓦那、迈阿密、多伦多、纽约、费城、波士顿和蒙特利尔等。在标准时间下,即不考虑夏令时影响的情况下,这些...
The difference between these two zones is approximately five hours. Eastern Standard Time is five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. The former zone is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) -5:00, while the latter is UTC 00:00. Above this text, you?ll find a chart with each hour of the day ...
GMT-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14 The UTC time standard was introduced in 1960 with a commitment to remain within one second of GMT by the addition of aleap secondevery few years.NTPdistributes UTC to connected devices via the internet. ...