androidConfigBuilder.setRestrictedPackageName("io.telecomm.telecomm"); androidNotifiBuilder.setColor("#55BEB7");// 设置消息通知颜色 androidNotifiBuilder.setIcon("");// 设置消息图标 androidNotifiBuilder.setTitle(title);// 设置消息标题 androidNotifiBuilder.setB...
Google Open Source Open source is good for everyone!Google believes that by being open and freely available, it enables and encourages collaboration and the development of technology, solving real world problems. Google Developers Looking for Google APIs and Tools?Google Developers is the place to ...
前不久有消息称 Gmail 将进行大刀阔斧的改版,UI 等细节将改变现有的设计。对于 Gmail 来说,改版也许是一项重要革新。近日 Android 平台的 Gmail app 也迎来了一个新的里程碑:安装量达到10 亿。 根据Google Play中 Gmail 的下载页面,Gmail 的移动 app 安装量被标注为“10 亿—50 亿”。目前无从知晓 Gmail 到...
Android常见问题及其解决办法 今天在向模拟器部署运行项目时碰到下面的异常: [2012-02-15 13:22:14 - DeviceMonitor] Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host [2012-02-15 13:22:14 - Unexpected error while launching logcat. Try reselecting the device.] An...