The Cubans, however, were depressed and disillusioned. All of the Cubans had been ill at one time or another since their arrival; Guevara himself suffered from bouts of asthma and malaria. There were small military successes – like the ambush of a group of mercenaries in August. But progress...
“But receiving money from people will never be compromised and such action can lead to dismissal,” he warned at a meeting at Julangel in Upper River Region as part of hisMeet The People’s Tour. You can’t be receiving money from drivers whose documents are in order,” he postulated. ...
“I have aged and lived most part of my life, and I believe this organization will be a point of call for reconciliation and dialogue within the country. I don’t want enmity to grow and darken our hearts, I want us to tolerate one another, preach and promote peace among us.” Alhagi...
International Alumni Board is under formation. For information on how you can be a part of it, please email us at Alumni Profile We are keen to highlight the successes of our graduates in the diverse professional paths that they choose to pursue. Your journey would be...
I feel very blessed to be a part of GDIS and a part of IOU University. Insha Allah, it will empower me to reach my dream and goal. JazakAllahu Khairan kaseera for making this course available with simple and deep knowledge. Alhamdulillah, thank you so much to the teachers and the...
"When elections come, men go to women because when you look at the registration form, women are the most… I think it's our right to go and look for political positions. We want our voice heard, be part of policy-making and then development because we are advocating for gender equity;...
Behind Closed Doors Part 1 (TAF 041) Foundations of Islaamic Studies Part 2 (IIS 014) An Nawawi's 40 Hadith Part 2 (HAD 032) Behind Closed Doors Part 2 (TAF 051) Introduction to Qur'anic Arabic - level 1 (ARB 031) Leadership Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah(s) Part 1 (LSC ...
Culture must be seen as an integral part of our national development efforts. It is only through the recognition of the cultural dimension of development that our country can chart a course of development that will meet the needs and aspirations of The Gambian people....
Education Sports Social Community initiatives are an essential part of Africell’s strategy. Our mission is to advance economic and social development in sub-Saharan Africa. As a leading regional mobile telecommunications operator, we have unique capabilities coupled with digital technology, engineering, ...
Life with the Qur’an: Part 1 ( 4 REVIEWS ) 107 Hunain Aijaz $100.00per 30 days LGBTQ from an Islamic Perspective ( REVIEWS ) 14 Sh. Muhamad West $50.00 Dawah Training - Sharing the Message Of Islam ( 5 REVIEWS ) 1573 Zubair Adamjee ...