In 2019, Camara who goes by sobriquet Njies was awarded a scholarship to study global sports management by the Korean government. The program dubbed, ‘dream together, master’s’ (DTM), is part of initiatives aimed at developing sports administrators around the world by the South Korean govern...
It is something that both parents and teachers have a role to play in improving one’s learning skills. This is in view of the fact that, yes, students spend many hours in schools, but that later part of the day is spent with parents.
The Cubans, however, were depressed and disillusioned. All of the Cubans had been ill at one time or another since their arrival; Guevara himself suffered from bouts of asthma and malaria. There were small military successes – like the ambush of a group of mercenaries in August. But progress...
"When elections come, men go to women because when you look at the registration form, women are the most… I think it's our right to go and look for political positions. We want our voice heard, be part of policy-making and then development because we are advocating for gender equity;...
Delve in and explore the greatest verse of the Noble Qur’an. Understand its virtues and wisdom and how it can be implemented in your life. Taught by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, you can unlock the beauty of this miraculous ayat from the Quran without
Assigning a grade or evaluating a student’s work performance involves the faculty’s professional judgment and is an integral part of the faculty’s teaching responsibilities; disagreement with a faculty member about a grade or evaluation is not a justifiable grievance. ...
International Alumni Board is under formation. For information on how you can be a part of it, please email us at Alumni Profile We are keen to highlight the successes of our graduates in the diverse professional paths that they choose to pursue. Your journey would be...
Anger is a BIG part of what we face when dealing with difficult people. We will discuss what it does to our bodies, and how we can get rid of it insha’Allaah. So you don’t wanna miss this course! Course Curriculum Module 1-A ...
I feel very blessed to be a part of GDIS and a part of IOU University. Insha Allah, it will empower me to reach my dream and goal. JazakAllahu Khairan kaseera for making this course available with simple and deep knowledge. Alhamdulillah, thank you so much to the teachers and the...
Foundations of Islaamic Studies Part 2 (IIS 014) The main goal of this course is to give students a reliable introduction to the fundamental concepts which form the foundations of the main fields of Islamic knowledge: Categories of Halal and Haram based on Quran and Sunnah; Structure, component...