GLP-1具有葡萄糖浓度依赖性降糖作用,其受体激动剂(GLP-1 RA)能模拟GLP-1的生理作用,是治疗糖尿病与肥胖症的重要药物。此外,GLP-1 RA亦对心血管系统、肾脏、中枢神经系统等有保护作用。 图表1:GLP-1的生物学机制(来源:Anti-obesity drug discov...
Delzenne NM, Neyrinck AM, Cani PD. Gut microbiota and metabolic disorders: How prebiotic can work? Br J Nutr. 2013;109 Suppl 2:S81–5. doi:10.1017/S0007114512004047. CASPubMedGoogle Scholar Petschow B, Dore J, Hibberd P, Dinan T, Reid G, Blaser M, et al. Probiotics, prebiotics, and...
2025年全球畅销药TOP10预测,GLP-1产品占4款,Skyrizi飞升 12月10日,《Nature Reviews Drug Discovery》期刊发表了2025年全球畅销药TOP10预测。前三名并不意外——Keytruda(帕博利珠单抗)、Ozempic(司美格鲁肽)和Mounjaro(替尔泊肽),与今年前三季度的销售表现吻合。值得注意的是,有4款GLP-1产品进入了预测...
减重市场,GLP-1类药物风头无两。12月10日,《Nature Reviews Drug Discovery》期刊发表了2025年全球畅销药TOP10预测,十款药物中有四款是GLP-1类药物,分别为司美格鲁肽和替尔泊肽的糖尿病和减重产品。 司美格鲁肽和替尔泊肽的减重适应症先后于2024年6月、7月在我国获批上市,商品名分别为诺和盈、穆峰达。国产方...
2025年,预计有4款GLP-1产品销售额均超百亿美元!【制药网 产品资讯】据报道,《Nature Reviews Drug Discovery》期刊近期发表了2025年全球卖得好的10款药预测,从销售额预测情况来看,其中默沙东的Keytruda(帕博利珠单抗)表现突出,2023年的全球销售收入已达到250.11亿美元,该药已完成对肿瘤适应症的全面覆盖,同时...
[8]Yu, Minzhi, et al. "Battle of GLP-1 delivery technologies." Advanced drug delivery reviews 130 (2018): 113-130. [9]Lee, E.S., Youn, Y.S. Albumin-based potential drugs: focus on half-life extension and nanoparticle preparation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation 46, 305–315 ...
By submitting product reviews to R&D Systems, reviewers are representing that they are not prohibited by their institution or employment contracts, or any other obligation, from accepting gift cards or compensation for comments, data and/or images submitted. The aggregate value of rewards to any in...
[3] Müller T D, Blüher M, Tschöp M H, et al. Anti-obesity drug discovery: advances and challenges[J]. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2022, 21(3): 201-223.[4] Shi Q, Wang Y, Hao Q, et al. Pharmacotherapy for adults with overweight and obesity: a systematic review and ...
This paper reviews the physiology of GLP-1 including its synthesis, secretion and action of the peptide. Reported effects of the mimetic drugs on the exocrine pancreas in animal studies are also reviewed. GLP-1 is synthesized in a specific class of enteroendocrine cell, the L-cell, by post-...