amebiosis of cervix 子宫颈阿米巴病 cerclage of cervix 宫颈环扎术 cervix dilator 子宫颈扩张器 相似单词 cervix n. 颈部 glands 气封 最新单词 salt separator的中文意思 析盐器 salt prices是什么意思 乱开价, 漫天要价 salt precipitation的意思 盐沉淀 salt polymer的中文翻译及用法 盐聚体 ...
1.the lymph nodes of the neck. 2.compound clefts in the wall of the uterine cervix. ciliary g'ssweat glands that have become arrested in their development, situated at the edges of the eyelids; called alsoMoll's glands. circumanal g'sspecialized sweat and sebaceous glands around the anus...
Watson AA, Cochran AJ (1969) Sebaceous glands of the cervix uteri and buccal mucosa. J Pathol, 98: 87-89.Sridhara S, Wu TT, Lin ECC (1969) Ferrous-activated nicotinamide dinucleotide-linked dehydrogenase from a mutant of Escherichia coli capable of growth on 1,2-propanediol. J Bacteriol ...
Noun1.cervical glands- mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix cervical glands of the uterus,glandulae cervicales uteri duct gland,exocrine,exocrine gland- a gland that secretes externally through a duct Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton...
a.Any of various organs or cell groups, such as the adrenal glands and the salivary glands, that are of endothelial origin and secrete a substance that is used or excreted by the body. b.Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a nonsecretory fun...
Related to cerumen glands: Eccrine glandscerumen[sə′rü·mən] (physiology) The waxy secretion of the ceruminous glands of the external ear. Also known as earwax. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Want...
J. (1938) A study of the lymph glands in cancer of the cervix and cancer of the vulva. Am. J. Obst. and Gynec, 36, p. 819.Taussig FJ (1938) A study of the lymph glands in cancer of the cervix and cancer of the vulva. Am J Obstet Gynecol 36:819 (t938)...
Oxytocin: This hormone is released by the pituitary during childbirth that assists in dilating the cervix to allow easy passage of the child through the vaginal canal. Anti-diuretic hormone: This hormone is also called vasopressin and it acts on the kidneys to stimulate re-absorption of water....
Tuberculosis of tonsils and cervical lymph nodes In the light of the observations based on the present study of 110 patients with cervical lymphadenitis, including 35 with tuberculous cervical adenitis, it may be concluded that the incidence of tonsillar tuberculosis is of considerable... S Muhindra...
Symposium part II: special types of adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. This report provides a comprehensive review of several special types of adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. The clinicopathologic features of three tumor... Hart,R William - 《International Journal of Gynecological Pathology》 ...