One thing you will notice straight away: perfect strangers will say “good morning” to you and start talking about the weather. When you walk into a shop in England, the shopkeeper will say “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” and when you go he will say “Goodbye”. By the way, ...
News AccommodationWin A Stay At Traditional Lodgings - Ready For Japan! GiveawayThis service includes sponsored advertisements. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, travel has come to a halt in Japan and throughout the world. After it's safe to travel again, though, why not experience the charms ...
Stores: see sales; jump, Local retailers give some credit to good weatherGEORGE HOHMANN
in whole or in part, due to computer, human or technical error of any kind; (c) entrants who have committed fraud or deception in entering or participating in the Giveaway or claiming the prize; (d) telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, Internet or computer malfunctions, failu...
SEATTLE (AP) — Amazon, Starbucks, Microsoft Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, billionaires Steve and Connie Ballmer and others said Thursday they'll spend more than $10 million to combat homelessness in Seattle.
If our local and circadian time is out of sync, you’ll experiencesocial jetlag. It directly results from a lack of sunlight and your body's confusion aboutwhen you should be asleep. Just imagine living before the invention of watches: You get up at sunrise and go to bed when the Sun...
Let's explore 20 outside-the-box ideas for how big-box spaces could usher in the next era of local experiences. LOOK: 20 Outside-the-Box Uses for Vacant Big-Box Stores When a big-box store shuts down, its closure can significantly affect the local community and its economy. In numerou...
/PRNewswire/ -- Chubb Personal Risk Services (PRS) announced today the launch of a new self-service Flood Insurance System for agents that will seamlessly...
Mersing/Tioman Weather Mersing's weather is determined by two main seasons: the Southwest and the Northeast season. Whilst these are quite different in nature, they tend to gradually morph from one to the other during so-called intermonsoon spells. These interseasonal periods can last more than...
She blushed as they entered the room. It was empty. Apparently none of the other holiday guests had gotten out of bed this early. They sat down, ordered their breakfast, and as they enjoyed another cup of coffee, she said, “Are you still planning to shop with me today?” ...