ZIO is a Scala toolkit that allows us to write powerful, concurrent, and high-performance applications in Scala using pure functional programming. 20220907 Mysql BLOB VS Binary ...
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: - Trinea/android-open-project
Current implementations of the JVM/JDK. JDK 9 - Early access releases of JDK 9. OpenJDK - Open-source implementation. Languages Languages other than Java that can be used to write JVM applications. Scala - Statically typed programming language that fuses the object - oriented model and functiona...
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. 85 netdata/netdata C 39695 Real-time performance monitoring, done right! 86 storybookjs/storybook TypeScript 39675...
Rock 强烈推荐 GitHub 上值得学习的开源实战项目,包含web前端,java,PHP,python,Android/IOS,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,数据结构与算法,设计模式等等。 为什么要写这篇文章,前几天在微信群里看到一个新进群的同学在问有没有公司级的VUE项目给他学习参考一下,于是我就整理了下面这一份长文,本来上周末就要发的,后面...
vert.xThe scalable polyglot application platform for the JVM. java上的nodejs, 支持多语言编写模块.引入eventbus,使用单线程简化并发开发 atmoshpereRealtime Client Server Framework for the JVM, supporting WebSockets and Cross-Browser Fallbacks Support. websocket的支持,及在浏览器不支持websocket时,退化到别...
Boxfuse - Deployment of JVM applications to AWS using the principles of immutable infrastructure. Capsule - Simple and powerful packaging and deployment. A fat JAR on steroids, or a "Docker for Java" that supports JVM-optimized containers. Central Repository - Largest binary component repository ava...
项目地址: Demo地址: 效果图: GlowPadView Android 4锁屏界面解锁 项目地址: 效果图:
APP示例:The New York Times,DevAppsDirect. GlassActionBar 类似玻璃的有一定透明度的ActionBar 项目地址: Demo地址: ...
Tools that handle the distribution of applications in native formats. Artipie - Binary artifact management toolkit which hosts them on the file system or S3. Boxfuse - Deployment of JVM applications to AWS using the principles of immutable infrastructure. Capsule - Simple and powerful packaging and...