projectTemplate即工程模板,创建之初衷是想利用Gulp、Webpack为开发人员提供一个开箱即用的开发环境。 技术栈 整个技术栈的搭建主要是针对多页面应用;单页面的应用可以选择相关框架或库提供的脚手架工具,如:vue-cli……; 单页应用其实就是比多页面应用承载了更多的业务,在前端的架构上更加复杂,需要有路由、状态管理等...
You just created a beautiful home for your project. To access your project page, use (and share) the link as shown below.🌟 https://<your-github-username><your-project-name> For example, see this template as a live demo.🌟 (Live Demo) Adding...
This is usually considered the last part for most README GitHub template files. With the license, other developers know what they can do with your project and what they can do without it. There are different types of licenses, depending on the kind of project you are working on. The licen...
When you add a pull request template to your repository, project contributors will automatically see the template's contents in the pull request body. For more information, see "About issue and pull request templates." You can create aPULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/...
No matter why you decide to start participating in an open source project, whether it is out of learning, interest, sense of achievement, etc., or to incorporate a certain feature you need into an open source project, in short, today you are determined to give an open source project to ...
Everything you need to know to understand the origins of open source work, how to become a contributor, a maintainer or a sponsor of an open source project and how to propel open source work into a career. Start with the basics including intro guides, how to find good first issues and ...
Atom 是 GitHub 专门为程序员推出的一个跨平台文本编辑器。具有简洁和直观的图形用户界面,并有很多有趣的特点:支持 CSS,HTML,JavaScript 等网页编程语言。它支持宏,自动完成分屏功能,集成了文件管理器
"Easy, my project has automated tests set up," you say, beaming with pride (though the code coverage could be improved, you admit to yourself). "The hard way," you say, as you look at the worn F5 key. You turn to page 29 in shame. Page 29 CONTRIBUTING file As you look more cl...
Data Binding (Browser Only)- Optional binding module to bind data to your DOM and have it update your page in realtime as data changes. Persistent Storage (Browser & Node.js)- Optional persist module to save your data and load it back at a later time, great for multi-page apps. ...
Grunt project scaffolding (grunt-init, installed globally) Find (or create) the.grunt-initfolder in your user's home folder and clone this repo into it using the following command: git clone interactive ...