sessionStorage.redirect = location.href; 404 原理: 当Github Pages发现无法处理的前端路由时,会跳转至404.html,此时我们在404.html利用meta的自动重定向能力,跳转至index.html,从而再次能够接管前端路由。 方案2 复制index.html的内容到404.html。 // index.html <!DOCTYPE html> Vite App ...
e.g. resolves fine and does not redirect baby230211 mentioned this issue Mar 15, 2023 fix: webcache 404 error page pycontw/pycontw-frontend#384 Merged SamyBENYOU...
实际上,github pages并不是只能有一个,例如,你新创建的仓库访问地址为:
This issue also persists for other projects of mine that have GitHub pages. They redirect to the same 404 page but with the project name appended to the URL. I am using FireFox 29.0. Thanks! linsencc, limuran, lgnarangoda, LaiOrigin, and seattlewingwomen reacted with thumbs up emoji ...
pages/redirect.vue <template> </template> export default { layout: 'blank', fetch({base, redirect, query}) { const param = query.p if (param === undefined) { return redirect('/') } const redirectPath = '/' + param.replace(base, '') return redirect(redirectPath) } } static...
由于Github Pages不支持custom domain的 HTTPS,今天折腾了一下搞定了在 VPS 上用Nginx到Github Pages的反向代理,使用的是Let’s Encrypt签发的证书,实现了全站 HTTPS (资源外链也都换成了 HTTPS),简单记录一下。 签发证书 首先,先将要签发证书的域名添加一个 (或几个) A 记录指向你的 VPS。
HTTPS adds a layer of encryption that prevents others from snooping on or tampering with traffic to your site. You can enforce HTTPS for your GitHub Pages site to transparently redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Help us make these docs great!
There is one proper solution to this situation that should be used whenever possible: Permanent redirect, or the301 Moved Permanentlystatus code, is the way to redirect pages implemented in the HTTP protocol. The only issue is that it's supposed to happen on the server side within a server ...
Also, a web crawler will identify the pages as 404 and thus not count them as valid redirect. For example, google won't allow it for migrating a domain from the google search console (you need 301 redirects or valid soft redirects via for google to accept the move). Also, referencing ...
比如最后那个句号那里开始,del删掉后面的内容,相应的空白页就删掉了。 情况二:Wor