GitHub Desktop says “Can't find "gecko-dev"”“It was last seen at C:\Users\Patrick Dark\Documents\GitHub Repositories\gecko-dev\” with “Locate…”, “Clone”, and “Remove” buttons after syncing a repository with the online version. Clicking the “Locate…” button opens the “gecko-...
The problem After updating to the latest version 2.9.13 (x64), no repositories are visible to GitHub Desktop. It literally worked 2 seconds before the update and all repositories were showing correctly. After the update I see 'Can't find...
可以在“GitHub Desktop”菜单栏中选择“File”,然后单击“New repository...”来创建新的仓库。*** 有关详细信息,请参阅“使用 GitHub Desktop 创建第一个仓库”。 可以通过选择“File”,然后单击“Add Local Repository...”,从本地计算机添加仓库。*** 有关详细信息,请参阅“将仓库从本地计算机添加到 GitHu...
你可以通过拖放文件夹到 GitHub Desktop 窗口的方式,将 Git 存储库从本地计算机添加到 GitHub Desktop。 如果同时将多个 Git 文件夹拖入 GitHub Desktop,则每个文件夹将添加为一个单独的 Git 仓库。 在菜单栏中,选择“文件”,然后单击“添加本地存储库”。 在“添加本地存储库”窗口中,单击“选...
GitHub Desktop I don't know Clone the repository Go to the folder where you want to store your project, and clone the new repository: ~$git clone Hello World Enter the project folder and add an index.html file: ...
github desktop本地代码上传github github上传代码到仓库 1.进入Github首页,点击New repository新建一个项目 2.填写相应信息后点击create即可 4.点击Clone or dowload会出现一个地址,copy这个地址备用。 5.接下来就到本地操作了,首先右键你的项目,如果你之前安装git成功的话,右键会出现两个新选项,分别为Git Gui Here...
Notepad++修改了代码后,点击了保存,已经在在GitHub desktop中出现changes,可是长传到网页版GitHub,会出现Please upgrade your plan to creat a new repository。我已经有一个仓库了。 已尝试过重新登陆,或者创建一个新仓库,都无法解决问题。python 有用关注3收藏 回复 阅读7.1k 3 个回答 ...
在GitHub desktop中无法publish repository please upgrade your plan to create a new private repository image.png 去掉Keep this code private那个勾...
Note that if you want to use Github Desktop, you need to have Git installed first. You can learn how to do it in ourvideo. #1 Step #2 Step #3 Step #4 Step
GitHub Desktop has now copied the repository into a local folder for editing, all without using the command line. From here, you can make additional changes and save to the repository usingCommit to master. Since the folder is now saved to your computer, you can also navigate to the folder...