be reflected in the secondgit status, and the final status output will tell you that there is nothing to commit—the working directory matches the most recent commit. Some Git commands (e.g.,git merge) require the working directory to be clean so that you don't accidentally overwrite ...
Untracked files (I don't know whi those matter): copy.bat -> backup making file extensions-builtin/model-keyword/ -> your own extension? hashes.json -> ?? scripts/ -> custom script I added scripts_orig/ -> Backup folder of scripts folder webui-user.bat -> The .bat...
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use"git add"to track) The file is untracked, meaning that Git sees a file not part of a previous commit. The status output also shows you the next step: adding the file. 4. Tell Git to track your newlocations.txtfile using thegit ...
If you do a status at this point, it will still show file3 as an untracked file, but file1 and file2 are no longer there: Shell $ git status On branch master Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) file3 nothing added to commit but un...
If you haven't been tracking your configurations in a Git repository before, you can start using this technique easily with these lines: git init --bare$HOME/.cfgaliasconfig='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'config config --localstatus.showUntrackedFiles noecho"alias...
$ git statusOnbranch mainYourbranch is up-to-datewith'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working tree clean The output ofgit statushere shows us that everything is up-to-date with the remote main branch and there are no pending changes waiting to be committed. In the next example we will...