In this paper, we design and train a Generative Image-to-text Transformer, GIT, to unify vision-language tasks such as image/video captioning and question answering. While generative models provide a consistent network architecture between pre-training and fine-tuning, exist...
In this paper, we design and train a Generative Image-to-text Transformer, GIT, to unify vision-language tasks such as image/video captioning and question answering. While generative models provide a consistent network architecture between pre-training and fine-tuning, existing work typically ...
This repo presents some example codes to reproduce some results inGIT: A Generative Image-to-text Transformer for Vision and Language. Installation Installazfuse. The tool is used to automatically download the data. The configuration of AzFuse has already been in this repo. ...
Unsupervised learningThese results showed the potential ability of our new generative approach for SPECT images that the generative model based on the transformer realized both generation and transformation by a single model.doi:10.1007/s12149-021-01661-0Watanabe, Shogo...
Generative transformers have experienced rapid popularity growth in the computer vision community in synthesizing high-fidelity and high-resolution images. The best generative transformer models so far, however, still treat an image naively as a sequence of tokens, and decode an image sequentially fo...
This branch is31 commits behindStability-AI/generative-models:main. README License News November 21, 2023 We are releasing Stable Video Diffusion, an image-to-video model, for research purposes: SVD: This model was trained to generate 14 frames at resolution 576x1024 given a context frame of...
Image GenerationImageNet 512x512MaskGIT (a=0.05)FID4.46# 45 Compare Inception score342.0# 2 Compare Image GenerationImageNet 512x512MaskGITFID7.32# 47 Compare Inception score156.0# 12 Compare Text-to-Image GenerationLHQCMaskGITBlock-FID24.33# 2 ...
如图1所示,以往的AutoRegressive models使用uni-directional(单向) transformer串行地生成每个token。生成tokeni需要结合 【已经生成好的】token0,token1,...,tokeni−1。 图2展示了论文提出的加速方法,它把当前所有tokens丢到bi-directional(双向) transformer中,一次性生成所有tokens。第t次生成的时候,会提前设置一个...
Besides, we illustrate that MaskGIT can be easily extended to various image editing tasks, such as in- painting, extrapolation, and image manipulation. Project page: 1. Introduction Deep image synthesis as a field has seen a lot of progress in ...
这篇论文介绍了一种名为Masked Generative Image Transformer(MaskGIT)的新型双向变压器用于图像合成。在训练过程中,MaskGIT在类似于BERT中的掩码预测的代理任务上进行训练。在推理时,MaskGIT采用了一种新颖的非自回归解码方法,以恒定的步数合成图像。具体而言,在每个迭代中,模型同时并行地预测所有token,但只保留最自信的...