Try to turn your meet into a SOCIAL thing if it wasn’t one from the start. And if youareable to do that, make sure you sit NEXT to one another rather than across from each other, to make touching easier. Touching is important because it helps to bring back the closeness and intimac...
After meandering from subject to subject — touching upon Soviet propaganda and Dezinformatsiya, as he pronounces it with an authentic-sounding Slavic accent — Paulsson moves in for what he clearly hopes will be the killer question of his cross examination. He asks Koenker how she would have ...
E60: 'First In Flight' Rory Bushfield & Sarah Burke's Touching Story 'Pretty Little Liars' Recap: 'Songs of Innocence,' Season 6 Episode 2 Is Mac Miller's New Album In The Final Stages? This Might Be The Most Efficient Booster Seat Ever Fake Caitlyn Jenner Calls In To The Howard St...