GiantTCR Advanced Pro 1 - Di2 $5,700.00 GiantExplore E+ 2 GTS $2,700.00 SurlyBridge Club $1,499.00 SalsaFargo GRX 610 $2,999.00 LivTempt E+ 3 $2,400.00 LivEmbolden $1,900.00 SalsaSalsa Rangefinder Deore 11 29 $1,199.00 SalsaWarbird C GRX 820 2x ...
DNA methylation is involved in the changes of immune and metabolic functions of giant pandas with age To further explore the regulatory mechanisms underlying these changes in immune and metabolic functions, we constructed the first dynamic map of blood DNA methylation in the giant panda. Previous ...
6804 Accesses 211 Altmetric 30 Mentions Explore all metrics Abstract Both wildland fire and mechanical harvest have been proposed to achieve ecological restoration goals in giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum [Lindl.] Buchholz) groves of the southern Sierra Nevada, but their effectiveness on giant ...
2.3. Dynamic Simulation of the L-BCH FFiigguurreFe6in.6V.itViebirbearltieaomtniomennomtdeaonodfaetlhoyefsrtiohsteawtrinoagtsawutihnseegedlw. thoeeexl.plore the effect of the geometry of the rotati wt22h..3he3.e.wDeDFlyioynnorniakntmaebmtieehclineeScmcidSmheyiumn(nlFtauaitaiglmnoaunat...