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(redirected from Ghizaal)Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. ga·zelle (gə-zĕl′) n. Any of various small, swift antelopes of the genus Gazella and related genera of Africa and Asia, characteristically having a slender neck and ringed horns. [French, from Old French, from Arabic...
2.Khirghiz- the Turkic language spoken by the Kirghiz Kirghiz,Kirgiz Turkic,Turkic language,Turko-Tatar,Turki- a subfamily of Altaic languages Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Professional Profile of Richard Ghiz Home Home |Professional Attributes|Resume|Downloads|Accomplishments|Target Companies A highly organized, persevering and results-focused Senior Level IT Manager with a record of leading, building and delivering mission-critical business solutions including,...
Round of 32 M.Bulgaru --- R.Serban --- Fifth Third Charleston 125 Round of 32 S.Chang --- V.Lepchenko(3) --- Fifth Third Charleston 125 Round of 32 R.Zarazua(1) --- A.Charaeva --- h2h GhizelaSchutte SOUTH AFRICA Height ...
Judge Leslie Ghiz will be running for Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas in the General Election on the November 5, 2024. Bio More information about Leslie Ghiz, currently a judge on the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas General Division in Ohio. ...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“吉扎诺酒庄比萨河畔红葡萄酒(Tenuta di Ghizzano Veneroso Terre di Pisa, Tuscany, Italy) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自意大利托斯卡纳的红葡萄酒,采用赤霞珠、桑娇维塞酿造而成。该酒散发出焦油、甘草、天然橡胶和黑色水果的香气,口感丰富,单宁顺滑,结构均衡,余味悠长。
Edoardo Ghizzoni (1992) vive a Milano. Ha precedentemente vissuto a Londra, Singapore, Varsavia, Istanbul e Monaco di Baviera. Laureatosi in letteratura inglese all'Università di Exeter, si occupa di pubblicazioni dedicate a protagonisti della scena culturale internazionale. ...