ylimit)) # 添加新的坐标轴 theme.list <- list( theme_void(), # 将当前图片的主题设置为空,避免影响后续主题设置 geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, data = xaxis, linewidth=linewidth), geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, data...
Now we can create a scatterplot with x-axis upper limit at 40 ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + geom_point() + xlim(NA, 40) Example 2: Set Y-Axis Limits Using ylim() Using the ylim() method, the scatterplot’s y-axis boundaries can be defined as seen in the following code. ...
yaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = rep(xgeo, 2), y_ax = c(-ylimit, ylimit)) # 添加新的坐标轴 theme.list <- list( theme_void(), # 将当前图片的主题设置为空,避免影响后续主题设置 geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, data = xaxis, linewidth=linewidth), geom_line...
在scale_x_continuous和scale_y_continuous中添加限制并展开参数。你也可以增加休息时间。 ggplot(as.data.table(mtcars)) + geom_line(aes(x = wt, y = mpg, color= factor(cyl))) + ylab('Fuel Economy (mpg)') + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(10, 35), expand = c(0, 0), sec.axis = s...
# 新的坐标轴的位置 xaxis<-data.frame(x_ax=c(-xlimit,xlimit),y_ax=rep(ygeo,2))yaxis<-data.frame(x_ax=rep(xgeo,2),y_ax=c(-ylimit,ylimit))# 添加新的坐标轴 theme.list<-list(theme_void(),# 将当前图片的主题设置为空,避免影响后续主题设置geom_line(aes(x=x_ax,y=y_ax),color...
# 新的坐标轴的位置 xaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = c(-xlimit, xlimit), y_ax = rep(ygeo,2)) yaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = rep(xgeo, 2), y_ax = c(-ylimit, ylimit)) # 添加新的坐标轴 theme.list <- list( theme_void(), # 将当前图片的主题设置为空,避免影响后续主题设置 geom...
geom_star(aes(x=1,y=1), size=100, starshape=16, fill="red")+ theme_bw()+ theme(axis.ticks.length.x = unit(-1,'cm'), plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,2,1),'cm'), axis.text.x = element_text(vjust=-20), axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-20), ...
面(tile, rect):这类一般有xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin指定位置 棒(boxplot,bin,bar,histogram):往往是二维或一维变量,具有width属性 带(ribbon,smooth):透明是特征是透明的fill 补:包括rug图,误差棒(errorbar,errorbarh) 然后,就是按照你的需要一步步加图层了(使用“+”)。
ggplot2作图X轴默认坐标轴的刻度是朝下的,Y轴默认的刻度是朝左的,如果要改为朝上和朝右,该如何设置。之前也有人问过这个问题 代码语言:javascript 复制 library(ggplot2)library(ggstar)ggplot()+geom_star(aes(x=1,y=1),size=100,starshape=16,fill="red")+theme_bw()+theme(axis.ticks.length.x=uni...
If length 2, the lower limit is expanded by add[1] and the upper limit by add[2] constants. # No space below the box plots # Add 10% space on the y-axis above the box plots p + scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) Solution 2: Using...