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Ramlethal, Sol Badguy, and May are noted as tied for top of their tier. Deb's List Deb is a top tier Guilty Gear Strive player who placed 7th inEvo 2021 Online - North America Division. Source:youtube S+ Sol S May Leo Chipp ...
HOK.GG Search icon Champions Tier List Hok News / Esports Releases Calendar Become a partner Search Champions , News ecc All Roles Baron Jungle Mid Duo Support Agudo Dharma Alessio Allain Dian Wei Angela Arli Di Renjie Arthur Ata Dolia Athena Biron Butterfly Donghuang ...
{{#invoke:Tier List|drawTierList |GGST |If you have a brain you cannot lose;Johnny,Sin,Potemkin,Leo,Goldlewis |Pretty scary (S);Sol,Ramlethal,Nagoriyuki,Anji,Chaos |Strong (A);Baiken,May,Ky,Giovanna,I-No,Bridget,Millia,Chipp,Slayer ...
Kliff'sLimb Severerwill always produce minimum size shockwave if it lands on superflash frame. Order-Sol's Storm Viper and Bandit Revolver Prototype will immediately transition to landing recovery if superflash happens on their first airborne frame. In latter's case HOS will be in airwalk state...
S3赛季国外攻略网站:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team 雪下望月7 2020-03-27 04:17 S3赛季国外攻略网站:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps点赞15评论2评论2 开飞机的狗丶 来了来了来了来了来了来了,一楼 第1 楼2020-03-27回复0点赞0 马东的女马有名刀 今天不播吗? 第3 楼2020-03-27...
If you're coming from +R, know that Xrd is a lot more mechanically lenient. It has an input buffer to make certain inputs easier to execute. FRC's are now gone, replaced almost entirely by the YRC/PRC mechanic. No more Force Breaks, either. Xrd introduces a number of new mechanics...
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【暗黑4】ROB|PIT TIER 110 DONE! Blasting with Bash Barb - Season 4 Diablo 4 16:03 【暗黑4】ROB|STRONGEST SEASON 4 BUILD - 1-SHOT LVL 200 DURIEL Diablo 4 09:42 【暗黑4】RUNIQUES DROP FIXED & BROKEN INFINITE DAMAGE BUG? Season 4 Update Diablo 4 08:11 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4...